Clear Aligner

Clear Aligner Braces in Matthews, NC

We are preferred providers for Invisalign and Invisalign Teen as well as certified providers for ClearCorrect. Some patients do not want regular braces and the inconvenience associated with them. That’s fine by us. We have been providing our patients with clear aligner braces for nearly 10 years and have seen great results with these treatments. Call or click for a complimentary consultation and see if Aligner braces are right for you.

Invisalign is the Clear Alternative to Metal Braces

By using a series of clear, removable aligners, Invisalign straightens your teeth with results you’ll notice sooner than you think. The course of treatment involves changing aligners approximately every two weeks, moving your teeth into straighter position step by step, until you have a more beautiful smile. Unlike braces, these clear aligners can be removed while you eat and brush your teeth as usual.

Short Treatment Time

An average Invisalign course of treatment takes about a year. You’ll see us every 6 to 8 weeks for adjustments and to check progress. At regular intervals, you’ll receive a new set of custom-molded clear aligners to continue the straightening process. The total number of clear aligners is specific to you, determined by your doctor for your course of treatment.

Clear and Comfortable

Since Invisalign is practically invisible, there’s no unwarranted attention to your mouth. In fact, very few people will notice at all – unless you tell them. They’re comfortable to wear and remove easily when you eat, brush, and floss.

Customized Treatment Options

Invisalign can be used to treat the vast majority of common problems for adults and teens. Whether your smile needs minor improvements or more extensive adjustments, Invisalign can certainly help. It’s successful in treating overly crowded or widely spaced teeth. It can also relieve more complex issues, including overbites, underbites and even crossbites. In fact, we can use Invisalign clear aligners in all or part of just about any treatment plan. Call us for a Free Invisalign Consultation to see how we can help you.

Made To Fit Your Lifestyle, Not Change It

Because Invisalign uses clear plastic aligners to position and straighten teeth, you can keep your active lifestyle during treatment. Unlike braces, Invisalign aligners have no metal bands or wires to irritate your mouth. So go ahead and be as active as you like. Since Invisalign is removable, just take the clear aligners out for special events or if you’re going to indulge in a sticky, gooey snack.

Look Your Best During and After Treatment

Of course you want to look great at work, school, and with friends. Maybe you speak to groups or conduct meetings; you still can because Invisalign is clear and nearly invisible. Most people will never know you are straightening your teeth – unless you tell them. When your course of treatment has ended, you can feel more confident whether in front of people or not. You will have a stunning smile.

Invisalign Can Improve the Health of Your Mouth

Teeth that are crowded or too widely spaced can create unhealthy conditions, including swollen gums, redness and pocketing, all of which are signs of periodontal disease. As Invisalign invisibly straightens your teeth, it can also do great things for the health of your mouth. Clinical studies have shown that gum health may improve with the use of Invisalign during orthodontic treatment. Properly aligned teeth can help gums “fit” tighter around each tooth, which may lead to better periodontal health.

Unlike braces, with Invisalign, you can brush and floss normally, which can help prevent tooth decay and periodontal disease. Unlike traditional orthodontics or braces, Invisalign has no metal bands or wires to trap food and plaque. Maintaining a good oral hygiene program will also reduce chances of plaque buildup, tooth decay and periodontal disease. For some people, incorrectly positioned teeth and jaws can exacerbate speech difficulties and chewing problems. Correcting your bite by straightening your teeth can help improve both. Properly aligned teeth can be less stressful on supporting bone and jaw joints.

Read more: How our Invisalign® process works

How Much do ClearCorrect Aligners Cost?

The cost to patients is generally comparable to other orthodontic options, ranging from around $2,000 to $8,000 USD, depending on the complexity of treatment, your location, and other factors.

Are ClearCorrect Aligners Covered by Dental Insurance?

Many dental plans do include coverage for orthodontic appliances such as clear aligners. If you meet your insurance company’s eligibility requirements, they may cover a portion of the total treatment cost up to a lifetime maximum, which is typically between $1,000 to $3,000 USD. Your insurance company can provide more details.

Can I Pay for ClearCorrect Aligners With an FSA or HSA?

Generally, yes. Funds from flex spending accounts and health savings accounts can be applied to orthodontic appliances like clear aligners.

Do I Have to Pay for Everything Up Front?

We offer monthly payment plans to help fit your budget.

How Often Should I Wear Aligners?

Wear aligners as directed—usually two to three weeks per step, at least 22 hours per day. Take them out to eat and brush your teeth.

How Long Does Treatment Take?

This varies from patient to patient. Treatment can take anywhere from a few months to a few years, depending on the complexity of the case.

How Visible are Clear Aligners?

Clear aligners are completely transparent, which makes them much more discreet than metal braces. People usually don’t notice them. They’re not magic, however—you can see them at close range if you know what to look for.

Does ClearCorrect Guarantee Perfect Results?

Most patients do experience significant improvement in their smiles, but it’s impossible to guarantee the outcome of any orthodontic treatment. Your results may vary.

Will I Need to Wear a Retainer After Treatment?

To prevent relapse, doctors usually prescribe a retainer after any orthodontic treatment. ClearCorrect offers affordable, discreet clear retainers suitable for patients treated with clear aligners or traditional metal braces.

ClearCorrect vs. Invisalign

The brand Invisalign is nearly as popular as the word braces these days, but ClearCorrect is newer and more mysterious. Most people haven’t heard of it, and those seeking straight teeth might be surprised to learn that, like Invisalign, ClearCorrect uses removable clear aligners to straighten patients’ teeth a little bit at a time. Since they aren’t entirely alike, let’s discuss their similarities first and then move on to their differences.

What Invisalign and ClearCorrect Have in Common

  • Both products are virtually invisible, so no one has to know that you’re wearing braces. They are made of a clear plastic.
  • Both products can easily be removed and cleaned.
  • Both products are custom fit to a patient’s teeth. They’re also non-invasive.
  • Both products can be used by patients who are allergic to metal.
  • Both products must be worn nearly all day (they are removed while eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing).
  • Both products adjust the teeth in very small increments. After wearing one aligner for a specified period of time (for example, 2-4 weeks), you will move on to the next phase of treatment and receive a new aligner.
  • For both products, the length of treatment will depend on the current position of your teeth and how far you hope to move them. Your dentist will determine the length of treatment.

Differences Between Invisalign and ClearCorrect

  • ClearCorrect is more affordable. The company offers lower fees without compromising on their products or customer service.
  • Invisalign has been around since 1997. ClearCorrect was founded nine years later in 2006.
  • ClearCorrect is an American company with products manufactured in the USA, while Invisalign is a global company with products manufactured around the world.

So there you have it! Invisalign and ClearCorrect are both fantastic options for people who wish to straighten their teeth without conspicuous train tracks. They’re unobtrusive, discreet, nearly invisible, and can help you achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed about. However, ClearCorrect is more affordable while remaining just as effective.