Esthetibraces, Clear Braces, Fast Orthodontics Matthews, NC

Clear Cosmetic Braces: The Esthetibraces Option

The Esthetibraces orthodontic technique uses nearly invisible composite brackets and thin titanium wires to quickly straighten your teeth without the dreaded “metal-mouth”. Orthodontics has undergone a veritable revolution and new engineering and materials has made it easier and faster than ever before. Many cases are finished in as little as six months. Yes – you read it right – SIX MONTHS! EsthetiBraces moves your front teeth to their most beautiful position giving you a great smile. Whether your teeth are crowded together, overlapped, or have spaces between them, you can have the smile you always wanted.

Straight Teeth Quickly

Esthetibraces uses low force titanium wires combined with invisible brackets and a short treatment time. This technology, when combined with traditional orthodontic methods moves your teeth safely and quickly.The majority of the cases take 6 months to complete. More severe cases may take an extra month or two but simpler cases may even take less time! Also, it is important to realize that the technique focuses on creating a beautiful smile for adults and as such does not require significant movement of the back teeth as one would expect in the more comprehensive treatment of a child’s case. Patients must be at least 18 years of age or have finished significant growth to be treated with esthetibraces.

Once your treatment plan is formulated, your braces are placed. Tooth movement will begin right away and you will begin to see a difference in just a few weeks. Patients typically come in for easy adjustment appointments every four weeks. These appointments last about 15-30 minutes. We check your progress and change the wire size and configuration. Once finished, you will most likely need to wear a retainer or have a bonded retainer placed to keep your teeth from shifting back.

Triple “B” Cosmetic Orthodontic Technique

We often combine Esthetibraces with other cosmetic dental techniques to provide a true “one-stop” experience for changing your smile. A Perfect example is the Triple “B” technique:

  • Braces
  • Bleaching
  • Bonding

Because Dr. Woodman and Dr. Malz are general dentists, they not only perform cosmetic orthodontics, but also perform a variety of other cosmetic procedures like whitening, bonding and veneers. Instead of grinding away the parts of your teeth that are out of line, we can quickly move your front teeth to nearly-perfect alignment. Many times, some whitening and simple bonding are all that’s needed. If veneers are still indicated, we can usually do minimal or no-prep veneers (you may know the brand name Lumineers but there are many kinds) saving as much natural enamel as possible!